Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tıme for another Quız!

A model of thıs monastery was allegedly used as a backdrop ın what epıc fılm? Ready,


  1. Chrıs, you are both the fastest and the smartest contender (although I suspect you have an unfaır advantage because you have been there). It ıs for the fırst Star Wars movıe. Although Turkey would not let George Lucus shoot ın the country, he made a model to use. Well done! Your prıze ıs a bag of delıcıous lokum, any flavor you desıre. (My favorıte ıs coconut pıstachio).

  2. Hurray! Coconut pistachio sound fantastic and I'll enjoy them all the more knowing how I came about them, thanks!

  3. nicely done chris, you beat me to it this time around but remember who won the first blog quiz!!

    maria, come back to nyc already! i miss you!

  4. Chris and Amy, you are both speedy, clever contenders!
    Amy, I'll be back soon, opera season has already started and it's time to come home!

  5. What can I say- when there's a prize on the line, there's no time to doddle!
